Insight to Healing
Katja Symons and Mick Tomlinson talking about their new adventure in sharing The Three Principles understanding as it relates to physical health.
Katja Symons and Mick Tomlinson talking about their new adventure in sharing The Three Principles understanding as it relates to physical health.
HI both of you, Mick and Katja.
Like to comment on the search for people in The 3 P’s who experienced healing psysical health problems.. Maybe because I just resently join “the party of The 3 P’s” as in january 2014.
Okay my story in order to this is; I was trubled with eczema on most of my underleg for years. After first session with The 3 Principle understanding which after some days led to a huge insight which I KNOW led to suddenly and complete healing of the eczema.
And then I found hope for my other health issues.
Looking forward seeing you 2 in Spain 🙂
Hi Anne-Grete, thanks for sharing this with us! Isn’t it amazing how our self healing abilities are just ‘sitting there’ waiting to do the healing! Am so looking forward to seeing you in Spain 🙂 xxx
As a Holistic Laughter Coach and a Body Worker of many years experience – supporting innate well being and inside out understanding – this is where my understanding of the 3 p’s has been taking me
Looking forward to hearing your further insights – Many thanks!
hi I’m not sure what to say I’m new to 3 ps and I’m looking for an answer to my problems I’m in pain all the time I have 2 bulging disks in my neck when I move my head I’m in pain I feel sometimes I don’t have a future without pain looking for hope here with learning the 3 ps
Thanks for hope if nothing else
Hi Ade, I’m not sure what to say either! I know that the insights I’ve had about my own suffering have been extremely helpful to me, whatever circumstances are presenting in my body. It was such an eye-opener to see that I’m living in my own psychological experience moment to moment – how I’m viewing my symptoms is changing all the time, some days good, some bad. That alone shows me that it’s not the symptom causing my state of mind, but my state of mind causing my suffering. I have no idea if my condition will get better or worse in the future. But I’ve found I can be ‘good in myself’ regardless. The fact that our experience can change completely when we see our situation differently is extremely hopeful. Syd Banks said we are only ever one thought away from a whole new world. That has been my experience, and I’m profoundly grateful for having been pointed towards this exploration. I am sure you will find the hope you are looking for if you keep looking. To your healing, Mick
Hi Ade, you can contact 3P facilitator Allan Flood, he has been diagnosed with multiple scleroses and thanks to the 3P understanding and finding inner peace he was able to heal, he also wrote a book on the physical and spiritual healing subject calle Perfect Misfortune. His website Michelle