by mickhealing | 12 Mar, 2015 | Insight to Healing Forum
Home/ category/ Insight to Healing Forum/ Three Principles, Sydney Banks and The Physical Body An ad-hoc conversation about Physical Health from a Three Principles perspective. If you would like to be part of the conversation, sign up to our newsletter to find out...
by mickhealing | 10 Mar, 2015 | Insight to Healing Forum
Home/ category/ Insight to Healing Forum/ Rolling With the Punches! Katja and Mick hosting the March 2015 “Insight to Healing Zoom Forum” meeting – being in conversation about Physical Health from a Three Principles perspective. If you would like to...
by mickhealing | 23 Jan, 2015 | Insight to Healing Forum
Home/ category/ Insight to Healing Forum/ The Body is Really Real… isn’t it??? Katja and Mick hosting the first 2015 “Insight to Healing Zoom Forum” meeting – being in conversation about Physical Health from a Three Principles...
by mickhealing | 22 Nov, 2014 | Insight to Healing Forum
Home/ category/ Insight to Healing Forum/ How we Relate with our Body Katja and Mick hosting their fourth “Insight to Healing Zoom Forum” meeting being in conversation about Physical Health from a Three Principles perspective. If you would like to be part...
by mickhealing | 16 Oct, 2014 | Insight to Healing Forum
Home/ category/ Insight to Healing Forum/ Emotions and Dealing with Difficult Health Challenges Katja and Mick hosting their third “Insight to Healing Zoom Forum” meeting to be in conversation about Physical Health from a Three Principles perspective. If...