Archive Events

29th – 30th April 2015

The Relationship with our Body is the Key to Health

A two-day Immersion into the power of Thought and its effect on our Physical Health

with Mick Tomlinson and Katja Symons

Do you think it is possible that how we experience our body and any symptoms within is determined by our momentary state of mind? It might sound surprising to you, but when we realise this to be true, we instantly hold the key to a better experience, hence we experience less pain, less discomfort, less stress and more ease. In return we allow the body to get back into a balanced flow which is the prerequisite for healing to take place naturally.

There are infinite possibilities through which to view the body, none of them are ‘right or wrong’, but each will have both an effect on our experience of the body and an effect on the body’s naturally functioning resilience and healing potential. We can relate to the body…

  • as an enemy – with us at war
  • as a friend – who looks out for us
  • as someone in our care – with us as caretaker
  • as a brother or a sister
  • as a beautiful organic life form
  • as intimate circumstance – worthy of wonder and delight.

“Whatever is going on in my body, I know it’s not out to get me.” This statement implies a relationship of trust that the body knows best and has it’s own intelligence.

We can feel at the mercy of the body, or, when we cotton on to the fact that we are bound together “till death us do part”, we can begin to notice the power we have to affect the relationship for the better.

If you want to improve your physical health and spend less time, effort and money on looking after it, let’s have a look together which role the relationship with our body plays in our moment to moment perception. It will lead to
  • experiencing your body in a totally new way
  • an improved wellbeing and quality of life above and beyond the state of your physical health
  • and to waking up to your innate ability to be healthy in order to prevent future issues.

By gaining a simple understanding of how our natural self-healing abilities already work within us through the way we relate to our bodies, we can relax more into the flow of life and then self-care for our own health becomes more natural and obvious. Often when faced with a health challenge we do the opposite: we stress and focus on the problem, working hard trying to fix it but without much improvement. Perhaps you’re curious to discover another way!




Join us for a Two-day Immersion Retreat

– which gives you the opportunity to realise the most natural Key to Health!

We will be sharing what we have come to see of the nature of human health as well as sharing lots of our personal experiences of how our physical body responds positively to a change of the relationship we (mostly unconsciously) hold with it. This retreat is created to provide a safe space so that participants can consciously recognise for themselves that balanced health is where we naturally return, it’s our default setting… and the more we relax into that recognition, the more it shows up.

When: 29th-30th April 2015
Where: Hotel Rober Palas in Albir, Spain (Alicante airport) [view location]


Including the physical body in your understanding of innate health will naturally touch everyone around you.

If you are a carer or would like to help family, friends and clients who suffer with physical health issues in an impactful way, this understanding will enable you to
  • see Health in others which stimulates Natural Healing in them
  • empower others through your understanding and focus on Health
  • be more of a support for everybody you care for
  • not get lost in the story of someone facing health challenges – which makes it more possible to help (as well as easier!)


We are all human and as humans we will run into health challenges just as we will run into low moods. All experience is created moment by moment via the principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought. During this retreat we will explore how we are creating the experience of our body and any dis-ease moment by moment and how the level of our understanding determines the degree to which we suffer, stress or struggle.

  • Imagine getting over physical issues like we get over emotional upsets
  • Imagine your wellbeing does not depend on your physical symptoms and to be okay with whatever is happening in your body
  • Imagine to be able to sort out health issues by yourself until you know with clarity that it’s time to go to the doctor
  • Imagine we all knew that physical health is our natural default setting just like mental health and emotional freedom

The Relationship with our Body is the Key to Health

Two-day Immersion Retreat with Mick Tomlinson and Katja Symons

When: 29th-30th April 2015
Where: Hotel Rober Palas in Albir, Spain (Alicante airport) [view location]

How we view our body has more impact on us than we could possibly imagine. To insightfully realise the role the relationship with our body plays for our health is the key that not only enables us to live in wellbeing independently from the state of our health – but also allows us to tap into the limitless potential of natural healing.

  • Learn to trust your own inner knowing as much as any opinion or view of any health professional
  • Learn what kind of impact the benefits of such depth of understanding and the resulting peace of mind would have on the quality of your personal life – and on the lives of your loved ones
  • Learn the extent to which you would be able to help others in empowering them to access their own natural self-healing abilities.


This is what participants said about our last retreat:

“It’s a good retreat! Combine it with a holiday. There’s plenty of warmth, space and support to rise above any challenge. You won’t get advice or a list, just the understanding to transform and guide yourself to better whole health” Trevor Aird, Tinnitus Coach UK,
Trevor Aird
“This retreat is opportunity to get a new relationship with your body – a new perspective on illness / diseases / health and even make peace with your body.” Anne Grete Schjaer Pedersen, Denmark

Anne Grete

“I would, and have, recommended this retreat to others. You both created a space within which we could explore our own health issues and hear how others are dealing with theirs from the perspective of the Three Principles. I found it incredibly helpful to have a dedicated space, just for health, in which I could connect and explore with others in the group. I personally had a few insights along the way, the biggest being that all I need to do is go and enjoy my life! I heard Syd Banks say so many times, just go out and enjoy yourself, and didn’t get it. Now I do, so thank you both so much for that – it’s a big one for me. Please carry on doing what you are both doing, so many others can benefit from your willingness to delve into the topic of physical health!” Sheela Masand,


What are these three nights and two days in sunny Spain with Mick Tomlinson and Katja Symons going to look like:

  • Get together on Tuesday evening 28th April 2015
  • 29th & 30th April 2015: two full days of exploring the relationship with our body and its connection to our health
  • Meetings 9.30 – 13.30, lunch break, plus 15.00 – 17.30
  • Option to connect and hang out together in the evenings
  • All inclusive: Accommodation (3 nights in private room), breakfast, lunch, dinner, and refreshments (with healthy and unhealthy snacks)
  • Transformational sharings and discussions, connection with your own self-healing abilities and with each other!


The understanding we will be sharing gives you the opportunity to realise your natural Health and to get into the flow of natural healing.
We will explore…

  • What Health is and where it comes from
  • Switching the focus to Health and what you can do rather than what you can’t
  • The potential for regeneration, renewal – and see how the body continuously rebuilds itself
  • How we limit our natural potential for Health with our (mostly subconscious) thinking
  • Our capacity to experience the body in a new way in any given moment
  • How we can unhook any meaning we may have unwittingly given to our health challenge
  • The moment to moment nature of life and to see the potential for physical change more clearly


Special BONUS GIFT for the first four bookings!


As a thank you for booking early we are giving a tailor made 1-hour relaxation treatment with our own holistic Serendipity practitioner Amanda which consists of either Reflexology, Indian head or Acupressure Chair Massage given in an ergonomically designed chair or Reiki

As Amanda is part of our group,
the treatment can be taken before, after or during the retreat!

Amanda profile pic

There are also four more hours of treatments with Amanda available:
30 minutes for € 30 or 60 minutes for € 55
(please let us know with your booking!)



Investment Early bird (till 28 February 2015):   €397 plus 21% sales tax
Regular ticket:   €597 plus 21% sales tax (payment is via bank transfer or Paypal)



This Immersion Retreat will be tailored to individual needs as questions arise. Between the meetings there will also be lots of opportunities to speak about personal issues with either Mick and/or Katja.

During our time together you can find…

– Access to your innate Body Wisdom

– The intimate connection of thought-feeling-physical expression

– The one simple message any health issue transmits

– The key to natural healing from within


What else is included

  • 3 nights of accommodation in a private room with full board in Hotel Rober Palas in Albir, Spain as well as refreshments/snacks during coffee breaks
  • Get-together on the evening of the arrival day (28th April)
  • 2 days of Immersion meetings with Mick Tomlinson and Katja Symons
  • Option to stay longer for a holiday at a very reasonable rate of €35/55 (depending on dates) per person per night with full board. The Rober Palas Hotel in Albir is a great 3 star hotel on the Costa Blanca on mainland Spain within a 5-minute walk to the beach and 2 minutes to shops and restaurants (there are other hotels in the area but none offers such a special deal).

Note: Flights are not included. Transfers from/to Alicante airport are from €8 per person each way.


If you would like more information please contact Mick or Katja by email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or to book now click here:




😉 Sunshine is already ordered (fingers crossed, the weather in April is usually much warmer than in the UK or Germany), so it would be advisable to bring swim wear. We are looking forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 28th April!

Warmest regards

Mick Tomlinson & Katja Symons